Lance Cohen

Placeholder Man

“Make sure you set aside plenty of time for academy and really dedicate yourself to your training.”

Lance Cohen

Lance Cohen

Probationary FFI

Station 3: Hoback


Where are you from and how did you find your way to Jackson? I grew up in Lake Tahoe, California. My wife and I were living in San Diego when we moved to Jackson about four and a half years ago. We wanted a change of pace that was more congruent with our values.

What is your role in the department? I am a new recruit firefighter and volunteer for Station 3. 

How long have you been a part of JH Fire/EMS? I started training in August of 2022.

What made you want to join JH Fire/EMS? I attended a fire prevention meeting where Chief Hansen asked me to join. A couple years later, I met some of the Hoback volunteer firefighters who also recruited me.

Did you have a particular inspiration to join? A lot of guys that I grew up with are in the fire service.

What are your current certs? Firefighter 1 so far.

What are your future goals in the department? To serve the community and continue to develop my skills as a firefighter. I would also like to earn my CDL and all the associated certifications that would allow me to become an engineer.

How do you balance volunteering with your friends and family time? I’m pretty new to the department so I’m still working that out.

What do you do for work? I retired from my chiropractic practice and have been managing the construction of our new home. 

What do you do in your free time? I spend my free time in the backcountry hunting, fishing, and riding horses.

What is your favorite part of volunteering? As a new recruit, it’s a little too soon to tell.

What about the most challenging aspect? Setting aside the time it takes to complete the fire academy training.

What advice would you give new recruits? Make sure you set aside plenty of time for academy and really dedicate yourself to your training.