“[My favorite part of the job]
Will Smith, M.D.
Is serving the community
and saving lives.”
Will Smith, M.D.
Medical Director
Where are you from? How did you make it to Jackson? I was born in southeast Wyoming and grew up on a 22,000 acre cattle ranch outside Wheatland, Wyoming. I then went to the University of Wyoming for my undergraduate degree and then to Seattle for medical school at the University of Washington. I did my residency for Emergency Medicine in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I came to Jackson in 2004 to begin my full time career in the Emergency Department at St. John’s Health.
What do you do for work? I am a full-time Emergency Department Physician at St. John’s Health, and I also do Co-Medical Direction for several other agencies in the area.
What do you do in your free time? Try and keep up with my 17 and 19 year old kids!
How long have you been a part of JH Fire/EMS? Officially since 2007. However, I have volunteered intermittently for Teton County EMS (prior to it being JH Fire/EMS) off and on since 1998.
What made you want to join? I volunteered and worked for the organization as a paramedic, and then became Medical Director and continued to be active in field response.
What are your future goals in the department? Continue to provide up-to-date and best care to all of our patients.
Favorite part of working with JH Fire/EMS? Serving the community and saving lives.
Most challenging aspect? Continuing to stay proficient in all of the All-Hazard response service areas.
What advice would you give new recruits? Find your niche and what really excites you.
Is there anything you wish you had known when starting? Continue to try to find the best work/time balance between everything you want to do.
What is the most valuable trait for someone to have in emergency medicine? Know how to immediately intervene in order to save a life and to remain calm and professional at all times. I taught my kids the Number # 1 Rule when something happens – Don’t Freak Out!