“Why is patience so important? Because it makes us pay attention.”
Paulo Coelho
Lisa Potzernitz
Fire Inspector
2005 – Present
Where are you from? I was born and raised in Jackson.
How long have you been a part of JH Fire/EMS? I started as a volunteer firefighter with Station 3 in 2005, but I retired from operations in 2020 and was hired as a fire inspector with the Prevention Bureau in 2021.
What made you want to join? There was a strong need for volunteers in my area so, for me, it was a sense of responsibility and desire to learn to do what I could to protect those in my community.
Did you have a background in emergency services at all? Previously basic CPR but not much background other than living vicariously through family and friends with emergency response experience.
Can you talk me through your journey with the department over the years? I joined not long after the department became a combination department. There were some growing pains, but I feel that the organization can be proud of where it is today. At the time, I was also only one of a handful of women that were training as both a firefighter and an EMR. Juggling long hours of training, I was also raising two young children. While challenging at times, JH Fire/EMS became a part of my family, and I am honored to wear the uniform.
What are your future goals in the department? I believe my future includes becoming certified as a Plan Reviewer for the department.
What would you say is your favorite part of your job? Connecting with my community whether it be through fire safety and prevention, being a friendly face at an inspection or the person that people can come to with questions.
What about the most challenging part? Keeping track of multiple codes and regulations – but I’m getting better.
What advice would you give new recruits coming into the department? Emergency response services is a huge commitment and extraordinarily time intensive. There is a lot to learn. It can also be exceptionally difficult and demanding physically and emotionally. Put the stoicism aside and report your stress.
Is there anything you wish you had known when starting? Don’t be afraid to make suggestions and always ask questions if something isn’t clear to you.
What would you say is the most valuable trait for someone working in this field? Patience. “Why is patience so important? Because it makes us pay attention.” Paulo Coelho