Randy Luskey

Placeholder Man

“We have an opportunity to really make a difference for Teton County firefighters, which is very exciting and important work.”

Randy Luskey

Randy Luskey

Board Member

Station 3: Hoback

Where are you from and how did you come to Jackson? I am from Maryland. I came to Jackson looking for a community and environment to start the Citykids wilderness project, a non profit summer camp for low income youth. 

What do you do here in Jackson? Hobbies, sports, recreation, etc. I am a Property Manager, Volunteer Firefighter. My Hobbies include skiing, mountain biking, fishing and hunting. 

How did you come to the department and to the foundation? I joined the Hoback fire department 5 years ago due to a desire to give back to the community and an interest in the job. 

What is your professional history? My professional history includes small business management and nonprofit administration. 

How would you describe your role in the foundation? My role in the foundation is as a representative of Station 3.

What are your goals for the foundation? I would like to help the foundation raise enough funds in order to create a meaningful housing relief fund.

What are some current challenges faced by the foundation? The foundation is newly created and faces many challenges as it builds trust and support in the community.

What is your favorite part of being involved in your current capacity? I enjoy being a part of the foundation’s early years. We have an opportunity to really make a difference for Teton County firefighters, which is very exciting and important work.

What is something the public needs to know about the foundation? It is important for the public to know that the foundation’s work leads to higher quality emergency services in our community.