Randy Luskey

Placeholder Man

“Do your best to keep an open mind.”

Randy Luskey

Randy Luskey

Volunteer FFI/EMR

Station 3: Hoback


Where are you from originally and why did you move to Jackson? I’m from Maryland and I came out to Jackson to start a kids summer camp: City Kids Wilderness Project.

What do you do for work now? I am a property manager.

What do you do in your free time? I mostly enjoy skiing, fishing, and sailing.

How long have you been a part of JH Fire/EMS? For 6 years.

What made you want to join the department originally? I wanted to be able to support the community better.

What is your current role in the department? I am a volunteer out of Station 3.

What are your current certifications? Firefighter 1, EMR, and Technical Ropes Rescue.

What are your future goals in the department? I’m excited to see the new Station 3 built.

What would you say is your favorite part of volunteering? That would definitely be the people.

What about the most challenging aspect? I think the most challenging part would be staying up-to-date on all the latest information and techniques.

What advice would you give new recruits? Do your best to keep an open mind.

What is the most valuable trait for someone to have in this line of work? Compassion.

What do you think you bring to the department? Tasty desserts!

Do you have a mentor or someone you look up to in the department? Bernd Sieber from Station 3.